Bio For Roger Harris, PhD, FISSN
Roger Harris, PhD, FISSN

Roger Harris PhD FISSN
BSc and PhD in biochemistry from the University of Wales, Aberystwyth. In 1968, having read of the development of the muscle biopsy technique in Sweden, I joined Drs Eric Hultman and Jonas Bergstrom at St Eriks Hospital, Stockholm, which in many ways was the cradle of exercise biochemistry as we know it today. The next 8 years were, for me, some of the most exciting in exercise research when the professor’s word was law and ethics committees had not yet been thought off. The focus at the time was carbohydrate loading but already an interest in creatine and creatine-phosphoryltransferase in adenine nucleotide metabolism in contracting muscle was developing. This set the seeds for studies in the 1990’s resulting in the description of creatine loading in muscle (Harris et al Clin Sci 1992), and then later in the mid 2000’s to carnosine elevation by beta-alanine supplementation (Harris et al Amino Acids 2006). Both projects were borne from an interest in exercise biochemistry and it was incidental that these lead to interventions increasing exercise performance in humans. Today I am retired from my last post at Professor at the University of Chichester and now divide my time between my boat and research projects at Korean National Sports University, Seoul, Korea, the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and, Nottingham Trent University, UK.
Statement on Potential Conflict of Interest
Work on creatine and carnosine has resulted in the filing of a number of patents. In these I freely declare that I am named as a co-inventor, and also that these have resulted in the payment of royalties to Junipa Ltd, a UK company of which I am sole director. Funds in Junipa Ltd are used for support of research and other scholarly activities and to date have been used to part-support three PhD’s, a conference on amino acids and proteins in Greece, and in July 2010 a meeting on creatine at the University of Cambridge, UK.